Monday 8 March 2010

A trip to A & E

I fell last week in the garden whilst 'attempting' to do a bit of gardening and bashed my right leg on a piece of wood. It wasn't too bad although over the weekend it got quite swollen and was all colours of the rainbow and working its way down to my ankle. I decided today, whilst I had a carer to drive to me, that I would pay a visit to the local hospital to get it checked out. I can't have my DHE treatment if I've got a break anywhere so I just wanted to make sure it wasn't. It was totally manic at the hospital - standing room only, thank goodness I had my own chair! I had an x-ray and luckily its not broken. She said that it was a haematoma and worse than a bruise but I always thought a haematoma was a bruise - maybe my medical knowledge is a bit out of date. She reckons it will take a month or so to go down but at least I can have my DHE treatment.

And talking of DHE treatment, it is only 3 weeks until I go into QS. Transport is all booked and I know what ward I'm on. Now I just have to sort out my hospital bag and enough things to keep me occupied for five days. The treatment is not nice but at least I know I will have some pain free time after.

My new bedroom furniture came last week and is really nice. I've got a bit more hanging space which I really needed. The furniture is a lot lighter than my old stuff and really makes the room look brighter. I just need a new curtain pole and lampshade to finish it off.

I've quite a busy week this week again so I'm hoping I'll be well enough to do it all. I'm at college Tuesday and Thursday. I'm getting my musical fix on Saturday and am going to see Chitty Chitty Bang Bang with my Mum and on Sunday Mum is coming round for a Mothers Day lunch.
I'll update next week and let you know how it all went.


  1. I thought a haematoma was a bruise too. I loved Chitty when I went, hopefully you will too. I think Teamwork was my favourite song

  2. Sorry to hear about your leg but that's good it's not a break. I hope all goes well when you go into hospital for your treatment.

    Your new bedroom furniture sounds nice. Enjoy your busy week, I'd love to see Chitty Chitty Bang Bang.

    Take care,
    Moll x x

  3. Thanks Molly and Emma,

    I'm looking forward to seeing Chitty - its one that I've wanted to see for a while. I'll let you know what I think once I've been.


  4. Thanks, am looking forward to hearing all about Chitty :)

    Moll x x
