Monday 1 March 2010

Return of the migraine

Last week got off to a bad start. I woke up on Monday with a migraine, a sure sign that the DHE (the IV drug that I have to help control my migraine) had worn off. When I have the first signs of a migraine I'm allowed to take a drug called a triptan to try and stop it developing. Dr M, my wonderful headache specialist, changed my triptan at New Year to one called Zomig. I took that and it did absolutely nothing so I just had to sit it out with just the oxygen and a pack of frozen peas to help. The same happened again on Tuesday and Wednesday so I had to call my one of the nurse specialists at QS who spoke to Dr M and he has decided that I am to go back to using Imigran injections. They have been ordered from my pharmacy and fingers crossed they should be ready to collect today.

Despite feeling rough I managed to get to college to teach on Tuesday and Friday although I paid for it after. I try to go even if I feel rough as it gets me out of the house and stops me from getting fed up. Both sessions were good - we are on data collection at the moment which involves the learners going round the college counting various things or asking people questions and then drawing charts and tables. They all seem to enjoy this, I think its because it is more practical and we are not in the classroom.

I managed to do a bit of Postpals work last week. I finished off my Easter cards and managed to get a few parcels sent out. I've managed to get each pal an item donated from a US handmade craft website so now I'm on a different website trying to get each pal a card donated. I think Viks has got some other jobs for me up her sleeve which will keep me out of mischief!

I'm getting some new bedroom furniture on Thursday so this weekend I sorted out all my stuff and one of my carers came this morning with a man with a van to take my old stuff away. My bedroom looks a bit bare but also rather dusty from where all my old furniture was so I'll be getting my other carer to have a clean up in there before the new stuff arrives.

This week, I'm hoping to get to college and also want to get some cards made. I've finally found a kit for doing cards for older boys so I'll be making some of those. I'll also be getting my room sorted when the new stuff arrives.


  1. Sorry to hear that you were feeling rough last week. Hugs. How are you feeling now?

    Well done with your Postpals work. I'm hoping to try to do some stuff for them if I can. I hope the delivery of your new bedroom furniture goes smoothly on Thur.

    Moll x x

  2. It'd be great if you can do some stuff for Postpals, every bit helps to put a smile on a child's face. It's been great for me as I can do it to fit in with my health but it also means I'm doing something for someone else and is something to focus on.
