Monday 19 April 2010

Another quick update

I had planned when I got home on Saturday to write an update about my time at Spring Harvest but I'm afraid it is going to have to wait a bit.

PostPals was featured on Russell Howard's Good News on Thursday night and since then the site has been inundated with emails. I am helping out by reading the emails to check they are suitable then passing them onto the pals. At the moment emails are still coming in thick and fast so although we are passing loads on the inbox is over 1000, so my blog will have to wait until things have calmed down slightly. It is great the response we have had and the pals will really benefit from the extra smiles being sent their way.

I'm off to teach at college for a couple of hours tomorrow morning and then am going with Mum to see Dancing on Ice. I've a bit of a thing for Dan Whiston so I hope he's there.

The rest of the week is pretty quiet so I'll have time to carry on working my way through Postpals inbox and hopefully a blog update will follow!

1 comment:

  1. That's great that PostPals being featured on TV has increased the emails the pals are getting :) Checking them all sounds very tiring though.

    I hope that teaching at college goes well tomorrow and you enjoy Dancing on Ice :)

    Take care,
    Moll x x
